Plant-Based Skincare Products: A Short Guide

With how popular chemical-free skincare is becoming, more plant-based products are popping up everywhere. But with so many choices available, it can be a tad overwhelming to a beginner. Even then, not all natural skincare ingredients react the same to everyone. Choosing the right product isn’t an instant process, but once you find one that makes your skin feel good, healthy, and rejuvenated it’ll all be worth it.

Still not sure how to pick the right plant-based skincare products for your skin, here’s our guide to help:

Identify your skin type and skin problems

The first step is to understand your skin and the issues you’re experiencing. There are five different skin types: normal, combination, dry, oily, and sensitive. Knowing what category yours belongs to is crucial in choosing the right product. For instance, some ingredients don’t necessarily react well to oily skin, but are an absolute lifesaver for dry skin.

Besides this, what other issues are you facing? Are you more acne-prone, or is psoriasis your main problem? Once that’s done, you can make better choices on what your skin needs and what to avoid.

Research about the best natural ingredients for your skincare

While you don’t need to be a skin expert when it comes to skincare, having basic knowledge on what natural ingredients do can help you narrow down the product for you.

For example, Cocoyl proline, an ingredient combining coconut fatty acids and the amino acid proline, can be helpful for dry and ageing skin. Proline is used to moisturise and improve skin elasticity. This is because it helps increase the production of collagen, which plays a huge role in elasticity and hydration. A lack of collagen is also why our skin dries and wrinkles as we age. Using a plant-based skincare product with Cocoyl proline, such as our hand and body wash at baresop., will help rejuvenate your skin and have it look as young as you feel on the inside.

Read customer reviews of plant-based skincare products

Even with all the knowledge on the science of each ingredient, sometimes word of mouth and customer feedback can be just as insightful. Look up reviews of the products before adding them to your cart. Each review, whether positive or negative, is helpful in educating yourself. It also helps you make an informed decision on what plant-based skincare product is right for you.

Be mindful of any allergies you might have

Most people opt for chemical-free skincare to avoid negative reactions caused by harmful chemicals. That being said, even the most effective natural ingredients for skin care can cause mild to severe allergic reactions. You may not even know you’re allergic to certain ingredients until you’re already experiencing symptoms.

To prevent this, do a patch test beforehand. Apply a small amount of product on your skin and leave it on for a day. Watch out for any reactions or irritations. If nothing happens, you’re likely in the clear. Otherwise, discontinue use immediately.

Look at the results

A hassle it may be, skincare is full of trial and error. You won’t know just how good a product is unless you try it yourself. Add the product to your routine and see if there’s any improvement. If there is, continue using it. If there’s none, discard and repeat the steps above when you try the next one. It may seem tedious to go through this process again and again, but once you find that perfect product, your skin is going to love you.

Part of a chemical-free skincare journey is picking the right plant-based product for a hand and body wash. After all, skincare doesn’t just stop at the face. For a great hand and body wash that’s both organic and eco-friendly, check out our products at baresop.! With our formula of effective natural ingredients, it just might be the skincare product for you!

The Baresop Range